Alexander's Kennels, LLC.


We base our rate on the breed/weight of your dog.
Puppies- $36.00 (under a year old)
Small- $31.00
Ex-large dogs-$38.00
Prices are subject to change without notice.
There are no additional or hidden charges. Our one price includes the use of the exercise yard 5 times a day, administering medicines, providing food and giving that extra TLC.
​After the first 14 days, we offer a 10% discount for each additional day.
Ask about our discount for multiple dogs in one pen.
Puppies must be 16 weeks old before they can be boarded.
Cash or check. Sorry, no credit card types or debit card accepted.

Alexander’s Kennels has a large and loyal customer base. We recommend that you make your reservations well in advance for weekend Holidays or during the summer months.
New customers are required to make a deposit in advance during our busiest times before reservation can be accepted. There is no charge for last minute cancellations.
If you would like to have your pet groomed during his/her stay, we recommend that you schedule an appointment at the same time of making a boarding reservation.
HOLIDAY Weekends:
Reservations made for a Holiday weekend will be charged for the entire weekend (Friday through Monday). We are closed on Holidays. If your stay consists of longer than 3 days there will be an exception to the Holiday Weekend.
We charge by the number of days your pet stays with us. AM or PM drop-off is a full day charge. AM pickup there is no charge for that day. Your pet must be checked out by 10:00am or you will be charged for that day.
If you are a first time customer at Alexander’s Kennels, you will need to bring a copy of your pet’s vaccination record and your vet’s address & phone number. Also, a contact person and number in case of an emergency.
All customers are required to sign a Boarding contract.
We are prepared to follow your feeding instructions. Our regular scheduled feedings are at 8:00am and 6:00pm. All guests will get a milk bone before turning in for the night.
You are welcome to bring your pet’s own food or use our type of can, moist or dry food.
Written instructions must come with all medications.
​All Medical issues must be discussed prior to reservation being made. We do not accept dogs w/any type of cone / head device.
We welcome our guest to bring toys, bones and something with your scent on it (T-shirt) for their added comfort. Sorry, we no longer accept a pet’s bed.
Beds can become soiled or destroyed by your pet during their stay. We recommend a beach towel, square carpet piece, bathroom rug mat or blanket.
We provide all pens with either a Therapet kennel deck or specially designed rubber mat.
If you prefer not to bring anything from home, we can provide bedding for you.
Alexander’s Kennels is not responsible for lost items. If possible, mark all belongings with your last name.

Come meet Moose and Ellie.
Our family top dogs.